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Important Information About the Course:

  • Course Category:       Online Course.
  • Save the dates:           6 Mar. 2024
  • Time:                              07-09 pm

Lecture title:

  • Biomimetic Dentistry : Fiber Reinforced Restoration, How & Why ?


Prof.Dr Sema Belli

A full time professor in Faculty of Dentistry, Selçuk University

Dr Belli has published and lectured extensively on dental composites, adhesives, glass or polyethylene fiber-reinforcement restorations, conservative restoration of extensive cavities, restoration of endodontically treated teeth, post and core restorations, finite elemental stress analysis, bonding to the endodontic surfaces, biomimetic dentistry, stress reduced restorations of root-filled teeth (by using fibers) and biocompatibility of dental materials Dr. Belli worked with Dr. H. Pashley in Medical College of Georgia, US. She worked at Tokyo Medical and Dental University with Dr. Junji Tagami. She graduated from Marmara University, Istanbul, Türkiye with DDS, and received her PhD degree in Department of Operative Dentistry from Selçuk University, Konya, Türkiye. 

Session moderator


Dr Solafah Trabzouni

Restorative, Biomimetic Dentist